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America’s Agenda Chief Economist Mike Kapsa, Ph.D. Appointed to Biden Admin. Advisory Committee

America’s Agenda chief economist Mike Kapsa, Ph.D. was appointed to the Biden Administration’s Department of Labor State All Payer Claims Databases Advisory Committee (SAPCDAC). The work of this newly formed advisory committee is essential for our nation to achieve the goal of a truly coordinated health care system.

The SAPCDAC will advise the Secretary of Labor on the standardized format for the voluntary reporting by group health plans to State All Payer Claims Databases and provide guidance to the states on the process by which states may collect such data.

Mike was chosen to serve as one of 13 advisory committee members reporting directly to Labor Secretary Marty Walsh based on his expertise in health care data analysis and the depth of his experience in working directly with unions, employers, and health plans in analysis and exchange of health care information.

The first meeting of the SAPCDAC was held virtually on May 19, 2021. Opening remarks were provided by Administration officials and the meeting focused on advisory committee member discussion of the needs surrounding a standardized reporting format and guidance. The types of information reported would include medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and eligibility and provider files collected from private and public payers. The committee also reviewed written comments submitted prior to the meeting and oral statements delivered during the meeting. The meeting details and information about the SAPCDAC are available here.

The advisory committee will provide recommendations to the Department of Labor pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act.

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